TrafficMonsoon: Earn money online with this great PTC.

PTC? The heck is that?! PTC stands for "Pay to click", it's a business model that allows its members to earn money by clicking advertisement links displayed in the site and/or view ads for a few seconds (TrafficMonsoon belongs to the latter). There are two types of members in PTC sites:

The advertiser, which pays money to promote his website (therefore getting traffic). And the "clicker", which earns money by viewing the websites being promoted. 

This time we're going to focus on how to EARN money by using what's in my opinion, the best PTC at the moment: TrafficMonsoon.

TrafficMonsoon opened its doors in October 2014 and has gained much popularity because unlike other sites, it pays a higher value for each ad or page to visit.

How does it work?

TrafficMonsoon has four types of paid ads, each one with different values that get credited on our account, these values are: $0.02, $0.01, $0.005 and $0.001.

In order to get that money all we have to do is click on the green button that says "Claim", by doing this we will be directed to a page with the ad to visit.

We will wait 20 seconds (in case of $0.01) or 59 seconds (in case of $0.02), after that we type the capcha we are asked, then we click "credit click" and that's pretty much it!. We immediately get that money credited to our account.

And if that was't enough ... you get 100% of your referrals commissions!!

That is, if one of your referrals (people that signed up using your invitation link) won $0.10, those $0.10 will be also payed to you! There is no PTC website I know of that does the same.

But to earn those commissions and to make advertising campaigns ('ll show you how later) you have to view 10 additional ads a day (20 seconds each), by clicking the button that says "start surfing" and follow the same instructions I just explained (Don't worry it only takes like 2 minutes or less).

So if you really want to get the best out of this website strive to get referrals!

Create advertising campaigns

With the credits that you earn by viewing the 10 ads a day I mentioned earlier, you can create your own campaigns in order to promote your websites or your PTCs referrals links. To do this, follow these steps:

Click "Here" where it appears in the following image:

Then click on New site and add the link of the website you want to promote. After that click on Update. 

Then click on Manage and then Assign and type how many credits you want to assign to that ad (each credit will be a view. That is, if you put 30 click Assign and that's it! (Note: A few hours may pass with the site in "pending" before it is accepted).

How does it pay?

The payment methods accepted are:

1) Paypal
2) Payza (if you used your account to make a purchase on the website)
3) Solid Trust Pay

By the way, Traffic monsoon pays instantly!

This is a payment I received a few days ago, and no it's not photoshop! haha!


There's not really much I can say here, the only ones I can think of are:

1) Sometimes while you're clicking the cash links you get some random logouts and you have to log in again.

2) You must have a minimum of 2 dollars to withdraw the money from your account the first time, then $3, then $4 till you get to $10 and from there on you will have to have $10 to withdraw (but if you click the cash links everyday and get referrals you get that amount really quick so its not that big of a deal).

In short ... TrafficMonsoon is undoubtedly one of the best PTC of the moment, so if you want to earn money fast and easy do not hesitate to join the family!

If you're interested in joining I would really appreciate it if you could join through my referral link!:

I wish you all the best!
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Sobre Unknown

Mi nombre es Oledys Jaquez, vivo en la Republica Dominicana. Soy una chica a la que le gusta mucho la lectura, especialmente en lo que al mundo de la informática se refiere, y con este blog pienso compartir mi conocimiento sobre algunas de las cosas que he aprendido, así como noticias que me parezcan interesantes. Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog!
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